November 14, 2014

SC/MLA'14 Research Paper and Poster Winners

There were some wonderful paper and poster presentations at the conference. After careful review and evaluation, the Research Committee Award volunteer judges identified the following submissions as outstanding. Congratulation to all the winners!


First Place: Wu L. Letting the inbox talk: how can we make a difference?

Second place: Fought R,  Gahn P. and Mills Y. Promoting the library through your collection development policy.

Third place: Blake L, Davies K, Gaines J. K., Mears K, Shipman P., Balance D and Connolly-Brown M. The Many faces of embedded librarianship: how do we evaluate effectiveness.


First Place: Youngkin C.A., Snow-Croft S and  Nguyen, T. Social media communication: an evaluation of its impact and value in promotion and public awareness.

Second Place: Mncube-Barnes F., Whitehead A.A. and  Ranganathan S. Understanding the users perspective of information sharing in the digital age.

Second place: Grabowsky A. Library instruction for students in speech language pathology and audiology: which databases should be covered?

Third place: Fell D. Britton R. M., Burham J., Dickens N., Josey M., Peterson T. and Wamsley J. Bibliometric analysis of the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy: 1993-2013.