August 31, 2016

Nominate Yourself or a Colleague for the Estelle Brodman Award

Do you know someone who deserves to be recognized for their outstanding work and significant achievement? Do you want recognition for your outstanding work in the medical librarianship field? Then consider nominating a colleague or yourself for the Estelle Brodman Award for Academic Medical Librarian of the Year!

The Estelle Brodman Award recognizes an academic medical librarian at mid-level career who demonstrates significant achievement, the potential for leadership, and continuing excellence. The contribution can be demonstrated by performance, publications, research, service, or a combination of these four elements. Nominees must be a member of MLA. Recipients will receive a certificate at the MLA annual meeting and a cash award of $500 at the meeting.

Nominations are due November 1, 2016. Complete information and a link to the online nomination form can be found at

If you have any questions, please contact Emily Glenn, Chair, Brodman Award Jury.

August 29, 2016

SC/MLA Annual Meeting: Register and Book Your Hotel Room!

The SC/MLA Annual Meeting is fast-approaching. The deadline for early bird registration is September 9, so register today if you want to pay the member fee of $300 instead of $360! Use that extra money to go on an excursion or enjoy a local restaurant.

Book your hotel room at beautiful The Westin Poinsett. You will get the discounted group rate until September 11. If you get a message that rooms are no longer available, try again a few minutes/hours later. Mercury is in retrograde and the reservation system is feeling the effects.

We are so excited to network with y'all and learn about your library's successes!

August 26, 2016

Tour BMW During SC/MLA Annual Meeting

Do you have a need for speed? Then tour the BMW facility while you are at the SC/MLA Annual Meeting this fall. BMW's only U.S. manufacturing facility is located in Greer, SC, about 15 miles from downtown Greenville. The on-site Zentrum Museum, where Greenville hosted the Welcome Reception for the 1999 meeting, is closed for renovation. However, limited tours of the manufacturing plant are available, and seeing this plant in action is definitely worthy of your time.

BMW tours are offered Monday through Friday, and take about two hours. To schedule a tour, call Katie Smith at 888-TOUR-BMW (868-7269), ext. 2 (Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-2:00 pm).

August 25, 2016

Member Spotlight: Becca Billings

Every month, we would like to take a moment to learn more about a fellow librarian and SC/MLA member. For August, we would like you to meet Becca Billings, a new librarian who is looking forward to her first SC/MLA Annual Conference.
Becca and Ella

Name: Becca Billings

SC/MLA Member Since: 2015

Officer/Committee Positions: I’m brand spankin’ new, so not too many outside of UAB at this time. Here are the proud and few:
  • ALHeLA Member-at-Large, 2016
  • AACRL Program Committee, 2016-2017

First Professional Position: Full-time Library Associate, Tuscaloosa Public Library, Tuscaloosa, AL

Current Position: Instructor, Reference Librarian at UAB Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences

August 18, 2016

Nominate a Colleague for MLA's Highest Professional Award!

The Medical Library Association (MLA) is accepting nominations for MLA’s highest professional distinction, the Noyes Award for Distinguished Career. The award recognizes a career that has resulted in lasting, outstanding contributions to medical librarianship. If you know someone who has made an outstanding and lasting contribution to the field of Medical Librarianship throughout their career, please take time to nominate them!

Nominees must be a member of MLA and demonstrated sustained and notable achievement in at least one area of activity cited in the mission of MLA. Additionally, nominees must have demonstrated distinguished service and leadership in health sciences librarianship in the areas of mentoring, publishing, and service in professional associations. For more information on the criteria, please see the website.

The deadline to submit a nomination is November 1, 2016.  Nominations can be submitted online here

August 17, 2016

SC/MLA 2016 CEs are Open for Registration

Registration is open for SC/MLA 2016, and we have three exciting CE courses planned for the annual meeting. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn a new skill, expand your horizons, and gain CE credit in the process!

Conference Website

Registration Website

Course Title: Practical Skills and Tips for Research: From Proposal to Presenting 
Instructors: Skye Bickett & Christine Willis
MLA CE Credit Hours: 4
Time: October 2, 1PM-5PM
Fee: $115
Course Description: MLA supports research through its policy statements and librarians are interested in research but feel they lack some skills and local support to take on such projects. This course will give participants practical tips and tools in order to complete a research project while still doing their day job. Taking a workshop approach, this course will allow participants to prepare and plan on completing a research project with actionable steps to move forward with at their library. Research methods will be discussed along with recommendations on the IRB process, surveys, statistics, funding resources, and potential presentation/publication opportunities.
Learn more:

Course Title: Activate, Collaborate and Educate: Health Outreach and Programming in Your Community
Instructor: Nancy Patterson
MLA CE Credit Hours: 3
Time: October 3, 8AM-12PM
Fee: $95
Course Description: This presentation will provide an overview of ideas to conduct health outreach and create health programs for libraries and community/faith based organizations. Participants will learn how to integrate resources from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and other reputable agencies to introduce community members to NLM resources in fun and engaging ways. Examples of programs for children, teens, adults and seniors using NLM and other National Institutes of Health center and office resources will be shared.
Learn more:

Course Title: Open Access Publishing Models and Predatory Journals: PubMed and Beyond
Instructors: Carolann Curry & Anna Krampl
MLA CE Credit Hours: 4
Time: October 3, 1PM-5PM
Fee: $115
Course Description: This activity's goal is to provide attendees a foundation for evaluating biomedical search results. The various Open Access publishing models of the current scholarly landscape lend themselves to a dangerous grey area where quality of references aren't always clear. Researchers now more than ever are faced with decisions about the quality of their search findings, even in reputable databases such as PubMed. This session hopes to arm attendees with knowledge and resources to make the evaluation of their findings more straightforward.
Learn more:

August 10, 2016

Annual Meeting Registration is Now Open

You are invited to join the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association (SC/MLA) for our 66th annual conference in Greenville, SC. We are planning an engaging meeting you do not want to miss. The 2016 Theme is Re-Think IT: The Evolving Landscape of Libraries.” IT is capitalized to represent whatever your library’s IT is. Maybe it is re-designing/repurposing space, adding innovative services or programs, information literacy and outreach projects in the community, collaborating in research and data management, or patient care and improving outcomes. Please don’t forget to place the dates on your calendar. We hope to see you there!

Conference Website

Registration Website

Sunday, October 2, 2016 - Thursday, October 6, 2016

Westin Poinsett 120 South Main Street, Greenville, South Carolina 29601, USA

Full Registration
Full Registration: Non-Members $400.00
Full Registration: SCMLA Members $300.00 for a limited time ($360.00 after September 9, 2016)
Student Registration $85.00
Retiree (Complimentary)
One Day Only: $150.00

August 5, 2016

Project Management with Trello

By Elena Azadbakht, MSI, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg.

Looking for a new way to manage projects or visualize your to-do list? Give Trello a try! Trello is a (mostly) free web-based project management tool based on the Kanban method popularized by David J. Anderson. It works across several operating systems, browsers, and devices. (There’s even a Trello smartphone app.)

Prior to this summer, I managed my to-do list using a document within Google Drive. While this text-based method was simple and straightforward, I wasn’t really able to visualize my various goals and tasks and the progress I was making towards accomplishing them. A colleague introduced me to Trello, and as it seemed to provide the features that were missing from my Google Drive system.

August 4, 2016

The Janet Doe Lectureship: Call for Nominations

The Janet Doe Lectureship offers individuals the recognition and opportunity to present a lecture at the Medical Library Association annual meeting. Those individuals chosen offer a unique perspective on the history of philosophy of medical librarianship. Consider nominating yourself, or a colleague, for this award!

Nominees should be active members of the profession, with a sufficient number of years, to provide a broad perspective of medical librarianship. Additionally, nominees should be regular members who have made a substantial contribution to its work in one of more of the following: leadership; contribution to medical librarianship as a profession; development of or sustained work within a particular area within the association; dedicated service to medicine and the allied health sciences; contributions to research or scholarship; effectiveness in administration/management; contributions to technology application and library practice; and/or effectiveness in teaching and training.

The deadline for nominations and supporting documentation is November 1, 2016. Further information and forms can be found on the MLA website

August 2, 2016

Nominate a Colleague for the Louise Darling Medal for Distinguished Achievement in Collection Development

The Louise Darling Medal for Distinguished Achievement in Collection Development Award annually recognizes an individual, institution, or group that has an overall distinction or leadership within collection development, production of a definitive publication related to collection development, teaching of collection development, for the development of an extraordinary national information resource or collection in any format or for any other collection development activity.  The recipient receives an engraved medal and certificate at the Medical Library Association’s annual meeting, and a $1,000 cash award after the annual meeting. Deadline for applications is November 1, 2016. Complete information and nomination forms can be found on the MLA website. If you have questions, please contact, Jury Chair, at e-mail address.

August 1, 2016

Nominate Yourself or a Colleague for the SC/MLA Hospital Librarian of the Year Award!

The SC/MLA Hospital Librarian of the Year Award was established to recognize a hospital librarian who has made significant contributions to the profession including: overall distinction; leadership in hospital library administration or service; production of a definitive publication related to hospital librarianship, teaching, research, or advocacy; or the development or application of innovative technology to hospital librarianship.

  • The nominees must be a member of SC/MLA and MLA.
  • Nominees must be hospital librarians at the time of the award and must have worked in a hospital library for at least 5 years immediately preceding the award.
  • The nomination may be made for contributions to hospital librarianship as demonstrated by excellence and achievement in service, advocacy, leadership, publications, presentations, teaching, research, technology, administration, special projects, or any combination of these areas.

All nominations must be received no later than August 8th. The recipient will be notified in early Fall 2016 and the award will be presented at the annual meeting. Additionally, the recipient will receive a plaque and a cash award of $250.

Additional details and the application form can be obtained via Dropbox. For questions, please email Elizabeth Laera, Chair of the Hospital Libraries Committee, at