April 30, 2019

SC/MLA Members presenting at MLA'19

Poster Session 1
Sunday May 5, 2019, 3:30 PM – 4:25 PM

Skye Bickett
Poster Number: 8
A Feather in Our Research Cap: Implementing REDCap in the Library 

Natasha Williams
Poster Number: E11
Trends among Personal Librarian Programs in Medical and Academic Health Sciences Libraries

Sharon Leslie, John Nemeth & Hannah Rutledge
Poster Number: 79
From Nursing Student to Practicing Nurse: One Institution’s Pipeline from School of Nursing to Health Care System and Its Impact on Library Instruction and Nursing Research Publications 

Marilyn Teolis
Poster Number: 145
The Adventures of Floridiana Jones: Using Gamification to Improve Outcomes for Diabetes Management

Lindsey Blake
Poster Number: 157
Use Trends by Medical Students at an Academic Medical Center in the Third and Fourth Clerkship Years

How to successfully navigate your 1st MLA

You cannot see and do it all and you don’t need to.

To learn the most about MLA attend the business meeting, open forum, and presidential address.

Before MLA:
  • Pack an ample supply of business cards
  • Sign up for a mentor/colleague connection
  • Sign up and go to the first timer’s breakfast
  • check the weather to help with wardrobe planning and remember meeting spaces are usually chilly bring layers
  • Participants seem to be dressing more casually in recent years when they are not presenting 
  • bring small bills for tips and to for your share of any group meals

Practice self-care:
  • Pace yourself so you don’t wear yourself out
  • Hydrate
  • Have a healthy snack on you
  • Leave yourself plenty of downtime and opportunities for casual conversation

Social Connections:
  • Introduce yourself to at least one person at every event you go to
  • Attend at least one poster session for great ideas and networking
  • Library School Reunion is a smaller get together and very casual

Scheduling and Social Media:
  • Use the program planner & the App
  • Follow #mlanet19 on Twitter
  • What to tip? (see more at Forbes.com)

Tips for Service:
  • For bellhops and airport baggage handlers, $2 per bag; give more for great service or very heavy bags.
  • $2–$5 to doormen for hailing cabs (extra in bad weather) or helping with bags.
  • $3–$5 per night for housekeeping staff (extra for upscale hotels or if you left your room particularly messy)—and tip daily, not at the end of your stay, since employees change from one day to the next.
  • 15%–20% for taxi, Uber, or Lyft drivers; more if drivers help you with luggage and are great drivers!

April 10, 2019

2019 SC/MLA Annual Meeting: Call for Papers & Posters

The SC/MLA Programming Committee invites you to submit proposals for contributed papers and posters for the 2019 SC/MLA 69th Annual Meeting in Savannah, GA on October 10-13.

The meeting theme is "Squaring the Circle: Libraries Shaping the Future"

Please submit a blinded abstract through this form following the structured abstract format by MLA's Research Section. There is a 300-word maximum. The blinded abstract, which will be used in a blind review process, must not include any specific information that would identify authors or institutions. The deadline for paper and poster abstract submissions is June 10, 2019.

Please consider the following when submitting abstract proposals:
  • "Squaring the Circle" is an impossible mathematical task and a metaphor for trying to accomplish the impossible. Please share experiences in which you have attempted the impossible, and either failed or succeeded.
  • Shaping the Future: Please describe how you are shaping the future of libraries and the health sciences in the areas of technology, resources, services, or library spaces.