Please consider running for one of the SC/MLA positions (listed below)! If you are interested or know of a good candidate for any of the listed positions, please use the Southern Chapter Nominations Form.
Please note that all nominations will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee for eligibility and all nominees contacted for willingness to serve. All Southern Chapter members are eligible to serve in any office, but cannot serve in more than one office at a time. Elected officers, except Representative to the Chapter Council and Alternate, shall take office at the close of the SC/MLA Annual Meeting following their election and serve, until the close of the SC/MLA Annual Meeting at the end of their terms of office. More info in the Southern Chapter Bylaws.
Program Chair – Elect
The term of office of the Chair shall be, in succession, one year as Program Chair-Elect, the second year as Chair-Elect/Program Chair, the third year as Chair, and the fourth year as Immediate Past Chair. No one may serve more than one successive term. The duties of the Program Chair-Elect shall be to serve as a Program Chair whenever the Chair-Elect/Program Chair is not able to do so, to serve as a member of the annual meeting Program Committee. (See also duties of Program Chair, Chair, and Past-Chair in Bylaws)
The term of office of the Secretary shall be three years, with two years as the Secretary and on year training the incoming Secretary. An individual may not serve more than one successive three-year term as Secretary. The duties of the Secretary shall be to be responsible for incoming and outgoing correspondence, to prepare minutes of all Chapter business meetings and meetings of the Executive Board, and manage Chapter elections.
The term of office of the Treasurer shall be three years, with two years as the Treasurer and on year training the incoming Treasurer. An individual may not serve more than one successive three-year term as Treasurer. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to exercise to be responsible for the collection, receipt, custody and proper disbursement of all monies due to or owed by the organization, and to be responsible for the maintenance of Chapter financial records and for the preparation of the IRS tax report. The Treasurer shall pay all bills and meet all financial obligations of the Chapter, provided that such bills and obligations have been incurred with the consent of the Chair and/or the Executive Board
MLA Nominating Committee Candidate
Serves one year as a possible candidate to the MLA Nominating Committee. If elected by the MLA membership, will serve one year on the MLA Nominating Committee. Must be an MLA member, cannot already be a possible candidate for the MLA Nominating Committee on another ballot or for an MLA elected office.
Chapter Council Representative Alternate
The term of office of the Alternate Representative to the Chapter Council shall be three years, except that if the Representative's term be made shorter by action of the Council or the Bylaws of the Medical Library Association, the term will coincide with that action. The duties of the Alternate Representative to the Chapter Council shall be to attend the meetings of the Chapter Council, to serve as representative whenever the Representative is unable to do so, to assume the office of Representative and serve out the unexpired term should the Representative become unable to complete the term of office or should the Representative be elected Chair of the Chapter Council.
Please contact the SC/MLA Nominating Committee with questions.
Leah Cordova –