October 29, 2014

Poster Session II

The 2nd poster session of our conference was just as varied and interesting as the first. Authors had interested members around their posters asking questions and dialoguing about how they could use information from the poster in their setting. Again, I didn’t have a chance to speak to everyone, but made sure to make note of who I’d email later with questions. In this post I’ll cover 2 of the posters that I found most interesting.
The poster titled “Is having your library in the cloud enough? Impact of new library space in a large hospital system” was very interesting and could be useful to hospital libraries or academic libraries with small branch campuses. I spoke with Carrie Figueredo who told me that they found that even though services were offered to all hospitals in the system having a physical space greatly increased the usage of library services. They focused on the opening of physical spaces in 2 facilities and measured the number of literature searches and documents delivered. Could this information help libraries that are in danger of being closed? I plan on keeping an eye on these authors and other librarians who are looking at this topic to find what the future holds.
I also spoke with M.J. Tooey about the poster that she and Alexa Mayo displayed titled “A curriculum to reduce community health disparities.” The poster showcased a curriculum designed by the authors that was intended to teach and build upon the skills of students to reduce health disparities. This structure and idea seems like it would work well with not only high school students at charter schools, but those in other rural areas, at an undergraduate institution, and maybe those interested in public health at other levels of education. The curriculum has 6 modules with 19 standalone lessons and was designed so that each module could stand alone. Module topics range from Crafting and Delivering the Message to Taking Charge of Your Health. Authors have made the curriculum freely available online and ask that those who use it simply provide feedback about how it worked, if they changed anything, and the population that they worked with. I plan to use this curriculum in my local community and hope that you’ll reach out to the authors if you’d be interested in learning more information about the curriculum.

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