April 27, 2018

SC/MLA 2018 Reviewers Needed

SC/MLA 2018 Reviewers Needed
The 2018 SC/MLA Programming Committee is also recruiting volunteers to review the poster and paper abstracts submitted for the upcoming 2018 SC/MLA annual meeting to be held in Orlando, FL, during October 25-28, 2018.  Volunteers should expect to review up to six (6) abstracts.  The abstracts are roughly 300 words each.  Reviewers will have approximately four weeks, between July 15th – August 12th, to complete the review process so that the committee can notify authors by August 17th. Review instructions will accompany the abstracts emailed to reviewers.

To volunteer contact:

Posters: Frank Fajardo at ffajardo@fiu.edu
Papers: Nicole Mitchell at nmitchell@acom.edu

SC/MLA 2018 Call for Papers and Posters!

The 2018 SC/MLA Programming Committee invites you to submit proposals for contributed papers and posters for the 2018 SC/MLA 68th annual meeting in Orlando Florida during October 25 – October 28. The meeting will be held at the Wyndham Lake Buena Vista Disney Springs Resort. This year’s theme is “Experience the Magic: Libraries of Tomorrow.” Check the conference website (coming soon) for full meeting details and up-to-the-minute information.  This year’s posters’ and papers’ theme is “Warp speed ahead: keeping up with trends, managing change, and anticipating the unknown”.

Consider the following as you develop a proposal for submission:
  • Keeping up with Trends. Discuss the newest technologies, changing service models, and big ideas that your library and other libraries are exploring.
  • Managing Change. Demonstrate some of the ways your library’s service model, job responsibilities, and place within the wider organization have changed.  Discuss how you have managed this evolution and the lessons you learned in the process.
  • Anticipating the Unknown. Explore ways your library can stay abreast of changes in its user communities so you are poised to respond and adapt to these changes.

Submit two copies of the structured abstract (300-word maximum) using the format of MLA’s Research Section information on creating a structured abstract: http://www.mlanet.org/page/structured-abstract.
·         In the first copy of the abstract, include a list of authors, their institutional affiliations, email addresses, and telephone numbers.
·         The second copy will be used in a blind review process and must not include any specific information that would identify authors or institutions.

Both posters and papers will be evaluated based on their originality, innovation, organization and clarity of presentation, as well as their relevance to the meeting’s theme.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is Sunday, July 15th. Authors will be notified of acceptance no later than Friday, August 17th.  If accepted, the deadline for submitting final, revised abstracts will be Friday, September 28th. Completed paper presentations and poster displays will be due in the weeks leading up to the conference.

Additional information (i.e. time, location, setup instructions, etc.) will be sent with acceptance notification. Those presenting in Orlando must be registered for the meeting.

  • Papers: Email paper abstracts to scmlapapers2018@gmail.com using a Microsoft Word attachment.  You will receive a confirmation receipt within two business days.
  • Posters: Email poster abstracts to scmlaposters2018@gmail.com using a Microsoft Word attachment. You will receive a confirmation receipt within two business days.  


If you have questions, please contact Lisa Ennis at lennis@acom.edu, Nicole Mitchell at nmitchell@acom.edu, Frank Fajardo at ffajardo@fiu.edu (posters), or Rebecca Roth at rroth@fiu.edu (posters).

SC/MLA 2018: Experience the Magic: Libraries of Tomorrow

SCMLA 2018 Banner: Experience the Magic

From the SC/MLA Program Committee:
The SC/MLA Annual Meeting will be held October 25 – October 28, 2018 at the Wyndham in sunny Lake Buena Vista, FL., right in the middle of Disney Springs.  Our theme this year is “Experience the Magic: Libraries of Tomorrow.”  The 2018 Program Committee wants to emphasize the fun of our meeting location, but also seriously talk about where libraries are headed and where librarians, of all stripes, fit in.  Registration will be up soon, but hotel reservations are already available by calling 800-624-4109 or at: https://www.wyndhamhotels.com/groups/hr/southern-chapter-med-library-assoc .  The conference rate of $149 will apply three days before and after the conference, provided the hotel has rooms available.
Our featured speakers include Julie M. Esparza, Comegys Endowed Professor in Medical Library Science at LSU Health Shreveport and now MLA President-Elect, to discuss what hospital and academic librarians can look forward to in their libraries.  Our second featured speaker will be Shirley Zhao, MSLIS, MS, Data Science Librarian at the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library in Utah who will be speaking on what data science means to libraries and how librarians can become involved.
Continuing Education offerings will stick with a half day (4hr) format that has been popular with members.  So far we have Julie Esparza teaching a course on clinical communication; Ayaba Logan teaching a course on qualitative data analysis; and Skye Bickett and Christine Willis teaching a class on marketing and needs assessment. 
Program-Chair Lindsay Blake along with the committee members are planning an engaging meeting focusing on data management, libraries of the future, and health. Thank you to Rose Bland and Nadine Dexter and their local arrangements team for agreeing to host this meeting. They are busy handling all the details to make the meeting run smoothly and gathering together a listing of the highlights and events you don’t want to miss while you are in Orlando! So book your flight and leave extra time for a trip to Disney World, Universal, and/or Harry Potter World!