April 20, 2016

Upcoming Learning Opportunities for April and May

On your mark...Get set...LEARN!
Are you trying to brush up on your mad medical librarian skills before MLA’s annual conference in May? Or did Spring just suddenly make you feel excited about learning new things again?

Well, as your first-grade teacher once said, it’s time to put on your learning hats, screw in your listening ears, and pop in your watching eyes (wow, first-grade teachers can be gruesomely graphic!), because we’ve got some great learning opportunities for you! 

NN/LM Online Workshops:

NN/LM Webinars:
MLA Webinars:
There’s a new PubMed for Trainers! Given how fast these classes go (July’s class has a waitlist), I recommend registering right now!
If you are excited about any other opportunities that are not listed here (or that are specific to your area), please feel free to comment below!

 Ariel Pomputius is a Health Sciences Liaison Librarian at the University of Florida.  Recently she found out that she will be an official MLA tweeter (Early Riser division) at the annual conference in Toronto, so follow her on twitter @ArielPomputius for MLA morning activity updates! When she isn't posting adorable pictures of conference therapy dogs on her twitter, she is running her rescue pup's instagram account. Yes, apparently she is one of THOSE people. 

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